Membership organisation for Cardiologists and other Cardiac Professionals of Indian subcontinental origin, working in the UK
Membership organisation for Cardiologists and other Cardiac Professionals of Indian subcontinental origin, working in the UK
BACIO is a ‘Company Limited by Guarantee’ incorporated by the Companies House in the United Kingdom (Reg No 10619719). We have a commitment to the principles of promoting high quality patient care through the National Health Service and improving health care awareness of cardio-vascular diseases among all patients.
‘’Empowering Cardio-vascular Healthcare Professionals of Indian subcontinental origin to be the beacons of leadership and professional excellence.”
• Promoting high standards of academic excellence hrough educational, social, and scientific activities
• Promoting awareness of diversity and supporting equality & fairness
• Recognizing and honouring outstanding cardiovascular professionals of Indian subcontinental origin working in the UK
• Promoting awareness and access to better health care through NHS, addressing any special cardiovascular health needs of the Indian community
I. Full membership:
Consultant Cardiologists / Physicians / Associate Specialists and GPs with interest in Cardio-Vascular Medicine of Indian Subcontinental origin working in the UK. Full members have voting rights.
II. Associate Membership:
Cardiology Registrars under training / Cardiac Physiologists and Nurses of Indian sub-continental origin with interest in Cardio-vascular Medicine, working in the UK, can join us as associate member but with no voting rights.
III. Student membership:
Medical students may join BACIO under our free Student membership. Student members are not entitled to vote at elections.
IV. Life membership:
The provision of Life membership is currently open with Full membership rights.